Officiell invigning av Cabseal’s nya fabrik i Suzhou!
Den 10:e September var det officiell invigning av Cabseal’s nya fabrik i Suzhou vilket firades ordentligt. Cabseal’s ägare Carl och Susanne Blomgren reste ända ifrån Sverige för att delta tillsammans med kunder och vänner. Gästerna fick ta del av den nya fabrikens kapacitet genom de fyra arbetsstationerna som var i full gång. Detta följdes av tal av Cabseal’s VD Carl ...
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The latest addition to our machining capabilities allows us to offer more to our customers. With Waterjet, we have increased our range of gaskets, seals, and insulations to meet our customers’ needs. We can now water-cut all rubber and plastics up to 100mm thickness and adding several new cutting heads to our range allows us to cut up to 4 ...
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CABSEAL is proud to announce its 25th year of operations!
We have achieved outstanding results in the past two decades of innovation. From being one of the smallest companies in the industry holding an ISO certificate to devloping into a into a triple-A credit rated business. Not to mention the start of CABSEAL's cooperation with Ericssons back in 2007 that also allowed us to further expand into the far East, ...
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View our new Website!
Cabseal now has a more professional, clear and beautiful new website! Come and have a look! You can easily find all the information you need from us quickly and efficiently. Also, if you want to contact us for business corporation, please use the contact information on this page or just leave a message here! (This is a news example) ...
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